
How Can I Give?

There are many ways to give to Guthrie Grove Retreat Center. Please review this page to determine the method that works for best for you and your family.

Give Online Now!

Secure Give is Community of Christ’s online platform for members and friends in the US that can be used to give to Guthrie Grove Retreat Center, just use the link below. Giving is safe, easy, and flexible, using desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. Click here to make an online contribution

Make one-time or recurring contributions by bank withdrawal, and with credit and debit cards. When you set up a recurring contribution, you decide when giving starts and the frequency of recurrence (weekly, every two weeks, bimonthly, or monthly).

Contribute anonymously or create an account. Please go to FAQ for more information.

Offering Envelopes

You can give to Guthrie Grove through the offering envelopes used during Sunday services at Community of Christ congregations in either the Lamoni Heartland or the Prairie Bluffs Mission Centers by designating a portion of your contribution for Guthrie.

Online Banking

You can give to Guthrie Grove through online banking. When you make your first contribution, you may need to provide this information:

Guthrie Grove Retreat Center
PO Box 4
Woodbine, IA 51579

Postal Mail

Contribute through postal mail by sending your contributions to our business address:

Guthrie Grove Retreat Center
PO Box 4
Woodbine, IA 51579