Guidelines for the Stewardship of the Guthrie Grove Retreat Center
(updated and approved 10-24-15)
Community of Christ upholds enduring principles which define the essence, heart, and soul of our faith community. These principles describe the personality of our church as expressed throughout the world. The enduring principles include Sacredness of Creation, Responsible Choices and Blessings of Community. Therefore, we are all called to care for God’s earth and its resources, including the Guthrie Grove Retreat Center.
All participants of any activity at the Guthrie Grove Retreat Center are called to be responsible stewards of all property. The following guidelines are to assist everyone in their stewardship of Guthrie Grove.
- The Guthrie Grove resident manager is the final determiner, and final authority, of the Guthrie Grove Retreat Center, including the property, buildings, furniture, equipment and tools.
- The director of a camp, reunion, or retreat is responsible for the stewardship of all Guthrie Grove property during the camp. A pre-camp inspection will be conducted by the director and resident manager identifying any and all irregularities and damages.
- A post-camp inspection will be conducted by the director and resident manager identifying any and all irregularities and damages. A checklist is provided to assist in this inspection. Normal and reasonable wear and tear can be expected. However, camps are held responsible and financially accountable for irregularities and all damages as a result of the camp.
- The Guthrie Grove Retreat Center strives to maintain a pleasant green experience for all campers and visitors. Please respect and help maintain the natural environment.
- To ensure the health and well-being of all participants, possession of fireworks, firearms, knives, any other weapons, alcohol, tobacco products, marijuana, illegal drugs, other controlled substances, or their imitations are strictly forbidden at Guthrie Grove Retreat Center.
- All campers must be registered with the camp director.
- All vehicles entering the campground must be parked in designated parking areas. Parking is available east of the chapel.
- Quiet times are determined by the director of the camp.
- Report to camp director or resident manager any irregularities or disturbances that you observe.
- Parents or guardians must accompany small children when using restroom facilities.
- Motorized scooters (except those for ADA accessibility) and kids battery powered vehicles are not allowed on the campgrounds for safety reasons.
- Animals are not allowed on the grounds.
- Use of glitter by any camp or event is prohibited.
- Commercial selling or solicitation within the campground facilities is prohibited.
- The Guthrie Grove Retreat Center is not responsible for personal items that are lost or stolen. Please make sure you have secured your personal belongings.
- Washing of campers and vehicles using campground facilities is not permitted.
- To help ensure a campground for everyone to enjoy, please do not move mattresses and/or furniture from their location. Nothing is to be removed from any area for any reason.
- Additional beds may be arranged by making a request to the resident manager.
- Do not deface structure surfaces in any way, e.g. hooks, graffiti, nails, etc.
- Campers are responsible for cleaning up their own area as well as the community areas; campers need to put away all equipment at the end of their stay.
- Help keep Guthrie Grove clean by placing all garbage in dumpsters.
- Campers will not be allowed to use equipment (e.g. mowers, golf carts) and power tools without the permission of the resident manager.
- Any drone usage must be approved by the camp director, and the resident manager must be notified prior to use.
Thank you for your stewardship. We hope you enjoy your experience at the Guthrie Grove Retreat Center.