General Information

Guthrie Grove Retreat Center is operated by Guthrie Grove Campground Association under authority of Lamoni Heartland Mission Center and Prairie Bluffs Mission Center of Community of Christ.

Guthrie Grove Retreat Center is located 7 miles north of Guthrie Center, IA. The retreat center is located on 180 wooded acres with the Middle Raccoon River bisects the grounds forming a beautiful and spirtual place. Dedication of the grounds took place in May of 1956. With an intial investment of $75,000 in 1956, the grounds have grown to a wonderful place today. New and exciting things are always happening at Guthrie Grove. Of course, that’s always the case in terms of ministry of the Holy Spirit and lives made better by time spent at Guthrie.

The Guthrie Grove Campground Association consists of the Guthrie Grove Retreat Center Board of Directors and the Guthrie Grove Youth Camping Committee.

Guthrie Grove Retreat Center
2232 158th Lane
Guthrie Center IA 50115-8515
641.747.8471 Dining Hall (Not monitored)

Resident Manager
Larry Van Otterloo
2232 158th Lane
Guthrie Center IA 50115-8515

Business Office
PO Box 4, Woodbine, IA 51579